Thursday, August 27, 2009

No Present

I have nothing to give tonight.
I am mentally and physically exhausted.
I don't know why I feel like I'm letting you all down.
Maybe it's something I invented to motivate myself.
Old people in love is very adorable.
Adults can only seem to meet other adults in bars.
If God is a loving God, how far does love transition to forgiveness?
How far does forgiveness transition to acceptance?

I don't know...things that are running through my mind seem jumbled.
I want to do so much, and I can see it all falling together I just need to be more like Captain America and have the charisma to convince others.

I had a vision of a black spot on white paper.

It branched out like a tree and started to grow with anticipation and planning.

Each branch grew a new one, and slowly but surely, all I now see is a fuzzy black smear with few white spaces shining through.

It's become confusing and I can't quite tell if I'm going to get where I'm going or get caught up in all the self-invented brambles.

But the journey is an irresistable one.

In the words of Kanye West,

"I know my destination
I'm just not there in the streets."

1 comment:

  1. Captain America is missing half his head. So I wouldn't envy him too much. :)
