Thursday, January 21, 2010

"Don't Let That Blow Go To Your Head"

There's nothing quite like the calming quiet of time passed asleep. I would suppose. I mean who actually knows what it's like to be asleep. If it's a dead sleep, you just fall down and wake up and time has passed and you might feel more energetic. If it was a dream, oh it could be SO many things if it was a dream.

In my dreams, the situations are crazy, but the people act just like they always do in the real world. The waking world, I suppose, being a better title.

So come, plague me you horrid scenes. Nothing hurts like watching others die. Nothing is worse than being helpless. In a wold I strive so hard to have absolute control over, I suppose the balance of imbalance has found it's place to dominate me. I have to watch every night as cars drive over bridges. Pile. Explode. I can't swim to them, I just wake up.

If I seek order, than imbalance must have it's time. And if I refuse it, it will find me. This revelation I have come to accept. But I do not condone it. So maybe I seek to control the one uninhibited part of my free-flowing conciousness. So what? Does that make me less human? No. It makes me most human of all, because I do it out of fear. Fear of being powerless. Fear of being useless. Fear that I am not worth that which I consume. This is the essence of "human." Who am I to contradict these laws?

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