Saturday, December 12, 2009

Don't Want to be Forgotten

So, tonight was very fun, thank you everyone.
This Christmas season seems different, my father is right.
My family has expanded.
Literally, I have a brother, I'm getting a sister.
But what was once a loose group of friends, has become second family.
I love everyone who made tonight possible, and I think we all, (in our own jenna vs. andrew kind of way) feel the same.
I hope when we go on to do great things, we stick together, so that great things will happen in all different industries, all over the world.

Thank you all.
You don't know what you mean to me.


  1. awwww how sappy
    but this is very very true :]
    love you guys.

  2. psh. "second" family.

    You guys are my family.

    but yayayay tyler has feelings <3
