Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'm Playing God.....Yayyy!

I woke up in a hospital. I was confused and it was night time. I unhooked chords from un-named places and made my way to the window. The moon was a face who'se smile was just a bit too smirkish for my taste. I asked it what was so funny. There were some kids in the parking lot singing songs about love and I felt like I was going to die.



I woke up on a beach. I was cold and it was night time. I dusted the crystaline terrace off my torso and shambled upto the shoreline. The moon was cool and I asked it why it seemed so relaxed all the time. There were some kids a ways down by a bonfire, singing songs about love. I felt like I could lay there for days.



I woke up in a bedroom. I was sore and it was night time. I moved the twisted sheets off and made my way over to the window. The illuminated buildings made stars and moon irrelvant and blinded the eye. I asked the city why it never slept. There were some angry folks down on the street cursing eachother's mothers graves and honking horns. I felt like home was where your heart wanted to take a vacation from.

I'm wrong again.


I woke up in a hospital. I don't know what I did or who I am or what I want. I want to go to that window. I want to see how the moon is feeling or if I can even see him at all. I want to be young and singing songs about love and wonder why adults always seem so miserable. I want to be the cabbie who lets the man past him kindly. I want out of this bed, out of these sheets. I suppose everyone feels like this at some point.

I woke up but I can feel myself going back to sleep.

Maybe I'll wake up in a new place, somewhere better with a moon that lights the world like an old face I can barely remember anymore. Who knows. Anything is possible.


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