Tuesday, July 7, 2009

And How Small

Author Oscar Lowe's Notes:

Upon Meeting a Tiny Ghost Up Close

"At a late hour in my study, past the point of tiredness into the new night's rush of frustrated adrenaline, I studied a phantasm that appeared to me."

"He appeared to be no bigger than the nail of your tiniest finger, and fluttered like a tiny bird, aimless, simply in wonderment of being in existance."

'Hello little friend, what is your name?'

"He chose, at that very moment, to not respond. Understandably of course, seeing I dwarfed him immeasureably. I sat and watched him ponder his predicament, nestled atop my freshly laid ink. He occupied the space of the word 'water,' but by his tiny legs, sturdy and firm, I knew he was the ghost of a lion."

'Do you consider yourself amongst the living?'

"Again, he chose no retort, but of course he did not. A lion trapped in such a tiny corporeal form would obviously have no qualms about admitting his status of quo, but should have no need to. A true lion could eat me whole with no pauses for good grace or mannerisms. He quite distinctly twitched his front foot though, a sign of awknoledged dominance."

"During that night he found me, drifting off into a dream world, and reminded me of my essence. He flew towards the fire, and there, silhouetted, became a great eye. He watched me, and reminded me that my muse was real. That my characters, churning in a sea of possibilities yearned for the life only a pen could give them. My own acts as author are transient and meager compared to the most glorious ability man will ever posess."

"The ability to give life, is the true sign of holiness amongst men."

"We who can create with a whisper are bound to destroy with a touch, but know that the everlasting, the spirits, are watching us. We are under constant consideration, and careful lingering eye. I have searchd the world for wonders, and I found it inside in time. His careful, maticulated movements betray him."

'Sir lion, I free you from your endless, piteous duty. Go free to fly straight to the stars. Let the atmospheric bubble burn you and set you free into the infinate.'

"I opened my window, and the fellow flew out, to some higher calling assuredly."

"That night I slept like a man who had not slept in years. That next day I found more secrets amongst the trees outside this ramshackle house I have grown acustomed to. Sometimes I forget to walk in the woods and observe. Literacy and imagination are too closely tied to forget the everbounding wellspring of potential that lies in all natural creation."

"Sometimes, the universe sends us tiny ghosts to remind us that there is a universe at all."


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